Mozart: Piano Concerto in E-flat-Major, KV 449
Bavarian Chamber Orchestra Bad Brueckenau
Conductor: Mihkel Kütson
Mozart: Piano Concerto in E-flat-Major, KV 449
Bavarian Chamber Orchestra Bad Brueckenau
Conductor: Mihkel Kütson
Mozart: Piano Concerto in E-flat-Major, KV 449
Bavarian Chamber Orchestra Bad Brueckenau
Conductor: Mihkel Kütson
Works by Mozart and Schubert
Piano Duo Kim&Hanßen
Information and tickets
Chamber music with Julian Rachlin, Sarah McElravy and scholars of the Villa Musica
Mozart: Piano Quartett in g-minor, KV 478
Brahms: Piano Quartett in A-Major, op. 26
Chamber music with Julian Rachlin, Sarah McElravy and scholars of the Villa Musica
Mozart: Piano Quartett in g-minor, KV 478
Brahms: Piano Quartett in A-Major, op. 26
Piano Duo Kim&Hanssen
Works by Mozart, Schubert, Debussy, Ravel and Gershwin
Weltklassik am Klavier – Solorecital
Works by Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert
Weltklassik am Klavier – Solorecital
Works by Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert
Piano Duo Kim&Hanssen
Works by Mozart, Schubert, Debussy, Ravel and Gershwin
Recitals with Professor Wolfram Schmitt-Leonardy
Works by Bach and Mozart
Solo recital
Works by Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert
Chambermusic by Brahms and Joachim
Miclen LaiPang, Violin
Gaeun Song, Viola
Jens Peter Maintz, Cello
Chambermusic by Brahms and Joachim
Miclen LaiPang, Violin
Gaeun Song, Viola
Jens Peter Maintz, Cello
Chambermusic by Brahms and Joachim
Miclen LaiPang, Violin
Gaeun Song, Viola
Jens Peter Maintz, Cello
Piano Duo Kim&Hanssen
Works by Mozart, Gershwin and Dvorak
Festival of the German Music Competition: „Memoirs of a Hero“
Concert with Alexandra Forstner, Flute
Works by Karg-Elert, Brahms, Reinecke and R. Strauss
Piano Duo Kim&Hanssen
Works by Mozart, Gershwin and Dvorak
Piano Duo Kim&Hanssen
Works by Mozart, Schubert and Dvorak
“Meister von Morgen” – Piano Duo Kim&Hanssen
Works by Mozart, Schubert and Rachmaninoff
Classic-Jazz-Duo with Clemens Orth
Interesting thoughts and connections to start in the New Year 2022
with works by Mozart, Beethoven, Bach and Chopin
Piano Duo Kim&Hanssen
Works by Mozart, Schubert and Rachmaninoff
Schumann Piano Quintett op. 44
with Professor Boris Garlitsky and Scholars of the Villa Musica
Schumann Piano Quintett op. 44
with Professor Boris Garlitsky and Scholars of the Villa Musica
Piano Duo Kim&Hanssen
Works by Mozart and Schubert
Schumann Piano Quintett op. 44
with Professor Boris Garlitsky and Scholars of the Villa Musica
Music-Art Workshop for children
Artistic and Educational Director: William Hong-Chun Youn
With Lena Neudauer, Nils Mönkemeyer, Eckart Runge
Piano Duo Kim&Hanssen
Works by Mozart, Schubert, and Dvorak
Weltklassik am Klavier – Solorecital
Works by Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert
Works by Beethoven, Kurtag, Gedizlioglu and Xenakis
Knut Hanssen, Piano
Campus Orchestra with Federal Youth Orchestra
Johannes Kalitzke, Dirigent
Matinée (Prize Winners Concert for the Audience Award “Tastensurfer” 2020)
Works tba
Artistic director of the Classic Festival in the district of Celle
Assistance on the Masterclass of Maestro Wolfram Schmitt-Leonardy
Works by Haydn, Beethoven and Schubert
Weltklassik am Klavier – Solorecital
Works by Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert
Weltklassik am Klavier – Solorecital
Works by Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert
Weltklassik am Klavier – Solorecital
Works by Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert
Weltklassik am Klavier – Solorecital
Works by Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert
Works by Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert
Piano Duo Kim & Hanßen
Works by Wagner and Beethoven
Works by Beethoven and Schubert
Piano Duo Kim & Hanßen
Works by Mozart, Schubert and Dvorak
Klassik im Kloster Steinfeld
BEETHOVEN – im Ernst / Eine unzeitgemäße Betrachtung
Register at
Chamber Music with Gregory Ahss and scholars of the Villa Musica
Works by Bruch, Zimmermann and Brahms
Chamber Music with Gregory Ahss and scholars of the Villa Musica
Works by Bruch, Zimmermann and Brahms
Chamber Music with Gregory Ahss and scholars of the Villa Musica
Works by Bruch, Zimmermann and Brahms
Piano Duo Kim & Hanßen
Works by Mozart, Schubert and Debussy
Opening concert for the 2020/2021 season, for members of the Konzertgesellschaft only!
“Best of NRW”
Solo recital
Works by Bach, Beethoven and Mussorgsky
“Best of NRW”Solo recital
Works by Bach, Beethoven and Mussorgsky
“Best of NRW”
Solo recital
Works by Bach, Beethoven and Mussorgsky
“Best of NRW”
Solo recital
Works by Bach, Beethoven and Mussorgsky
“Best of NRW”
Solo recital
Works by Bach, Beethoven and Mussorgsky
“Best of NRW”
Solo recital
Works by Bach, Beethoven and Mussorgsky
“Best of NRW”
Solo recital
Works by Bach, Beethoven and Mussorgsky
“Best of NRW”
Solo recital
Works by Bach, Beethoven and Mussorgsky
“Best of NRW”
Solo recital
Works by Bach, Beethoven and Mussorgsky
“Best of NRW”
Solo recital
Works by Bach, Beethoven and Mussorgsky
“Best of NRW”
Solo recital
Works by Bach, Beethoven and Mussorgsky
“Best of NRW”
Solo recital
Works by Bach, Beethoven and Mussorgsky
“Best of NRW”
Solo recital
Works by Bach, Beethoven and Mussorgsky
L. v. Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 2, B-flat-Major op. 19
Westdeutsche Sinfonia Leverkusen
Conductor: Dirk Joeres
“Klassik in der Scheune”
Chamber Music with Ensemble van Beethoven
Works by Beethoven, Ries and Gouvy
Weltkassik am Klavier
Solo recital
Works by Beethoven
Solo recital
Works by Haydn, Beethoven and Brahms
Weltkassik am Klavier
Solo recital
Works by Mendelssohn, Debussy, Schumann and Ravel
S. Rachmaninoff
Piano Concerto No 2 in c-minor, op. 18
Orchestra for Lower Saxony Hildesheim
The Holland International Music Sessions
Remonstrantse Kerk, Alkmaar
Works by Beethoven and Chopin
Chamber Music with the Ensemble van Beethoven
Works by Ries and Fauré
LIONS – Benefizkonzert
Works by Brahms and Chopin
F. Chopin
Piano Concerto No 2 in f-minor, op. 21
Westdeutsche Sinfonia Leverkusen
Conductor: Dirk Joeres
F. Chopin
Piano Concerto No 2 in f-minor, op. 21
Westdeutsche Sinfonia Leverkuse
Conductor: Dirk Joeres
An afternoon with Franz Gerhard Wegeler and Ferdinand Ries
Works by Beethoven and Ries
30 years German Puschkin Society
Anniversary Ceremony
Literary-musical program
Bernt Hahn, recitation
Works by Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky and Puschkin
What is meant by “heroic”?
Beethoven’s „neuer Weg“ – audible and visible in the piano works and Beethoven’s score
Beethoven, “Eroica-Variations” E-flat-Major, op. 35
“Young artists” at the Beethovenfest Bonn
Works by Schumann, Widmann, Debussy and Ravel
F. Chopin
Piano Concerto No 2 in f-minor, op. 21
Orchestra for Lower Saxony Hildesheim
L. v. Beethoven
Leonore-Ouvertüre No 3, op. 72
Piano Concerto No 5 in E-flat-Major, op. 73
Munich Symphonic Orchestra
Solo recital
Works by Beethoven
Student Orchestra Munich
Works by Beethoven and Brahms
Student Orchestra Munich
Works by Beethoven and Brahms
Concert for the Day of German Unity
Works by Beethoven
Organization: Köhler-Osbahr Foundation, Fasel Foundation, Rostropovich Foundation Lithuania
L. v. Beethoven
Piano Concerto No 1 in C-Major, op. 15
Orchestra for Lower Saxony Hildesheim
W. A. Mozart
Piano Concerto in A-Major, KV 488
Philharmonic Orchestra of Suedwestfalen
Hommage to György Kurtág and Steve Reich
(Conducting first performances)
© 2025 Knut Hanßen